Revue de presse

Voici quelques articles sur la Méthode Grinberg. Ce sont des articles qui viennent de différents journaux, magazines, publications internet...les sources sont toujours citées.

Vous trouverez également certaines documents (sur comment transformer la douleur, le code éthique de la profession, le manuel de l'étudiant).

Malheureusement, ils ne sont pas tous en français (sorry)...

Bonne lecture! (cliquez sur les liens)

Documents en lien avec la Méthode Grinberg

- Transformer la douleur (en anglais)
- Le code éthique des praticiens de la Méthode Grinberg (en Français)
- Directives professionnelles de l'association des praticiens de la Méthode Grinberg (en Français)
- Le manuel de l'étudiant de la Méthode Grinberg (en Français)

Articles de presse

- Article sur - Nov 2011
- Ma Santé - CH - Juin 2009. Découvrir la méthode Grinberg
- Ma santé - CH - Avril 2010 - Le corps : un allié étonnant.
- Le blog des Paresseuses.
- Elle UK - 2007 - Meet the foot reader
- Health and Fitness - UK - The Grinberg Method
- DW - Germany - 2012 (en anglais et en français). Challenging 'talking therapies' on fear an pain. 
En français, ICI.

Radio :
 - WRS - Health Matters: Using Grinberg Method to heal from abusive childhood (en anglais)

Certaines articles sont reproduits plus bas.

Article paru sur le site de DW - 2012 (en anglais),,16219102,00.html

Challenging 'talking therapies' on fear and pain

No matter what we do, fear and pain are part of life. But the Grinberg Method - which is taking off in Berlin - says we should focus on fear and pain rather than avoid them.
Whether it's stubbing a big toe, suffering chronic pain, or struggling with the loss of a loved one, we experience fear and pain both emotionally and physically.
If we go to a physiotherapist or a psychologist, they're likely to only treat one or the other symptom - the physical pain or the stress.
But the Grinberg Method says that by changing our attitude to pain and fear, we can address those physical symptoms, while at the same time improving our emotional and mental wellbeing.
"Worse than the pain itself"
Jörg Seifarth is a German project manager and professional climber. Last year he started suffering from severe elbow pain and tried everything from physiotherapy and painkillers. But after 6 months he was afraid he'd damaged his elbow permanently and began to despair.
"My personal reaction to the pain was actually worse than the pain itself because it kept me from working out hard and it frustrated me and it was really depressing," says Seifarth.
Then he took part in a Grinberg Method chronic pain project in Berlin.
Seifarth found the method quite unconventional at first, but the pain was almost gone after the sessions. He learned new techniques, which he has integrated into his warm-ups.

The Grinberg Method is a physical discipline that asks 'clients' to focus on the pain

Other people came in suffering migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and knee pain. Three months after the project ended 72 percent of the 180 participants reported that their pain was still significantly reduced.
"Often when we have pain we hold our breath and try not to move in a way that would create more pain, and a lot of times exactly this kind of effort is what makes the pain stay and get worse," says Emily Poel, a Berlin-based Grinberg practitioner who worked on the project.
Practitioners try to show their "clients" where they are holding a particular tension or "effort" against pain. They then ask them to hold it and exaggerate it. The aim is to teach the person to recognize what their muscles have been doing automatically so that they can stop the reaction in future.
"It's much more than just awareness," says another Grinberg practitioner, Eylam Langotsky, "It's a physical discipline."
Practitioners then teach their clients ways to deal with the pain and fear, which include breathing and relaxation techniques and how to move in different ways.
Teaching vs. fixing
The Grinberg Method was founded by Avi Grinberg in the 1980s. He had trained as a nurse and studied many different disciplines, including reflexology, yoga and martial arts.
But after working with people suffering from chronic health problems for a number of years, Grinberg began asking a different set of questions.
Langotsky says the method is about teaching rather than "fixing" people - and that requires different questions.
"Which kind of tools should we give people? Which kind of discipline should they train in order to get better? And how can they take back the responsibility over their bodies and into their own hands, while the practitioner is actually guiding them, rather than healing them," says Langotsky.
Grinberg clients say the method also helps them reconnect with their bodies.
Just as we try to avoid feeling pain - we also tend to avoid things that
scare us - but they happen anyway. Whether it's a car crash, an abusive relationship, the death of a loved one, or dealing with personal failure - all these things can leave emotional and physical scars that affect our confidence and our relationships with others.

Grinberg says we need to change the way we relate to fear and pain
Anna Schmutte tried Chi Gong, Tai Chi, yoga, homeopathy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy before trying the Grinberg Method. She says all the other disciplines and therapies helped her up to a point but that the Grinberg Method has given her more practical tools to gain strength and clarity in her life.
"When I started I felt much more a victim of circumstances in many situations than I feel now. I have so many tools now. It's just not an option for me anymore to see myself as weak," says Schmutte.
Mind and body
While traditional psychology and psychiatry focus on a person's history and re-telling the story of an event, the Grinberg Method aims to teach people how to identify how stressful events were originally experienced by the body - and how those events continue to manifest themselves in bodily reactions like holding one's breath or tensing certain areas.
"It's not that we are teaching a person to be confident, but we know that if they will stop their insecurities they will be naturally confident," says Vered Manasse, who runs the Grinberg School with Claudia Glowik in Berlin. "So if we're looking at people who went through abusive trauma in childhood, it's not that I have to teach them to be stronger, but I have to teach them how to stop becoming insecure in certain situations and how to stop interpreting a situation today as if it's something that happened in the past."
Glowik also heads the International Association of Grinberg Practitioners. She says it's important to help people reclaim their bodies as a means of dealing with fear.
"You can imagine that with such a history, people have a very disturbed way of how to relate to their own body. There was so much pain inflicted and it's very clear that certain symptoms developed through the years because of that kind of history," says Glowik.
No substitute
But this method is not for everyone. Different people require different kinds of help.
Glowik says the Grinberg Method is no substitute for medical treatment or psychological help - and when necessary, practitioners refer their clients to the appropriate professionals.
"The Grinberg Method is not like a recipe against fear or that you will never be insecure again in your life. It doesn't teach you something that you can now believe in and do it always like that," says Schmutte. "Actually what you learn is that you take responsibility for yourself in whichever situation you encounter in your life. And this means a lot of independence, a lot of freedom, and a lot of self-discipline."
           Date 04.09.2012
           Author Cinnamon Nippard, Berlin
           Editor Zulfikar Abbany

Article paru sur le site de DW - 2012 (en français)

Une thérapie qui nous challenge avec la peur et la douleur

Peu importe ce que nous faisons, la peur et la douleur font partie de la vie. Mais la méthode Grinberg dit qu’il faut plutôt focaliser sur la peur et la douleur que de vouloir les éviter.

Que ce soit de se cogner le gros orteil, souffrir d’une douleur chronique, ou de lutter avec la perte d’un être cher, nous expérimentons la peur et la douleur à la fois émotionnellement et physiquement. Si l’on va voir un physiothérapiste ou un psychothérapeute, ils vont probablement ne traiter qu’un seul de ces symptômes : la douleur physique ou bien le stress.
Mais la méthode Grinberg dit qu’en changeant notre attitude à la douleur et à la peur, nous pouvons nous adressez aux symptômes physiques en même temps que l’on améliore notre bien-être émotionnel et mental.

« Pire que la douleur elle-même »

Jörg Seifarth est un chef de projet allemand et un grimpeur professionnel. L’année dernière, il a commencé à souffrir d’une douleur au coude et a essayé tout ce qu’il a trouvé depuis la psychothérapie jusqu’aux médicaments anti-douleurs. Mais après 6 mois, il a eu peur d’avoir endommagé définitivement son coude et a commencé à désespérer.
« Ma réaction personnelle à la douleur était en fait pire que la douleur elle-même parce qu’elle m’empêchait de m’entraîner et cela me frustrait et je devais vraiment déprimé », raconte Seifarth.
Puis il a participé à un projet de la Méthode Grinberg sur les douleurs chroniques à Berlin.
Seifarth a trouvé la méthode assez peu conventionnelle au début, mais la douleur est partie après les séances. Il a appris de nouvelles techniques, qu’il a pu intégrer dans son échauffement.

La méthode Grinberg est une discipline physique qui demande au client de focaliser sur la douleur

D’autres personnes sont venues avec des migraines, des douleurs de dos, au niveau de la nuque, des épaules ou des genoux.  Trois mois plus tard, 72 % des 180 participants ont rapporté que leur douleur s’était significativement réduite.

« Souvent quand nous avons mal, on retient sa respiration et l’on essaie de bouger d’une manière qui va créer encore plus de douleur. C’est exactement le genre d’efforts qui va faire que la douleur reste et va même empirer», raconte Emily Poel, une praticienne de la Méthode Grinberg basée à Berlin et qui travaillait sur ce projet.

Les praticiens essaient de montrer à leur client où ils tiennent leur tension et les efforts pour ne pas sentir la douleur. Ils demandent ensuite de les tenir et de les exagérer. Le but est d’enseigner à la personne à reconnaître comment leurs muscles fonctionnent automatiquement afin qu’ils puissent ensuite stopper la réaction dans le future.

« C’est plus encore qu’une conscience », raconte un autre praticien de la Méthode Grinberg, Eylam Langotsky, « c’est une discipline physique ».

Les praticiens enseignent ensuite à leurs clients différentes manières de gérer la douleur et la peur, ce qui inclut de respirer, des techniques de relaxation ou encore comment bouger de différentes manières.

« Enseigner contre fixer »

La méthode Grinberg a été fondée par Avi Grinberg dans les années 1980. Il s’est d’abord aguerri en tant qu’infirmier et a étudié différentes disciplines comme la réflexologie, le yoga et les arts martiaux.
Mais après avoir travaillé avec des personnes souffrant de problème physique chronique pendant de nombreuses années, Avi Grinberg a commencé à se poser plusieurs questions.
Langotsky raconte que le but est plutôt d’enseigner aux personnes que de les « fixer » - et cela pose différentes questions.
« Quel genre d’outils devraient être donnés aux personnes ? Quel genre de discipline doivent-ils entraîner dans le but de se sentir mieux ? Et comment peuvent-ils prendre la responsabilité de leur propre corps, pendant que le praticien les guide plutôt que de les guérir, » raconte Langotsky.
Les clients de la méthode Grinberg disent que la méthode les aide aussi à se reconnecter avec leur corps. Comme nous essayons d’éviter de sentir la douleur – nous avons aussi tendance à éviter les choses qui nous font peur – mais elle arrive quoi qu’il en soit. Qu’il y est un accident de voiture, une relation abusive ou des cicatrices physiques – toutes ces choses affectent notre confiance en nous et nos relations avec les autres.

Grinberg dit que nous avons besoin de changer notre relation à la peur et à la douleur

Anna Schmutte a essayé le Chi Gong, le TaiChi, le yoga, l’homéopathie et la thérapie cognitive comportementale avant d’essayer la Méthode Grinberg. Elle dit que toutes ces disciplines et thérapies l’ont aidée jusqu’à un certain point mais que la Méthode Grinberg lui a donné plus d’outils pratiques pour gagner de la force et de la clarté dans sa vie. « Quand j’ai commencé, je me sentais beaucoup plus victime des circonstances dans beaucoup de situations que maintenant. J’ai plus d’outils. Ce n’est juste plus une option pour moi désormais de me voir comme faible », raconte Schmutte.

Esprit et corps

Pendant que la psychologie traditionnelle et la psychiatrie focalisent sur l’histoire personnelle et la ré-écrire, les buts de la Méthode Grinberg est d’enseigner aux personnes à identifier comment certains évènements « stressants » ont été originellement expérimentés par le corps – et comment ces évènements continuent de se manifester au travers de réactions de notre corps, comme de retenir sa respiration ou de tendre certaines zones du corps.
« Nous n’enseignons pas aux personnes à être confiance, mais plutôt nous savons que si elles arrêtent leur insécurité, elles vont être naturellement plus confiantes », raconte Vered Manasse, qui tient une école de la Méthode Grinberg à Berlin avec Claudia Glowik. « Donc si on regarde les personnes qui ont subi des traumatismes dans leur enfance, ce n’est pas que je ne vais pas leur enseigner à être plus forte mais comment arrêter de devenir insécurisé dans certaines situations et comment stopper d’interpréter la situation d’aujourd’hui comme si c’était le passé . »
Glowik est également la présidente de l’Association Internationale des Praticiens de la Méthode Grinberg. Elle dit que c’est important d’aider les personnes à reconquérir leur corps  comme un moyen de gérer la peur.
« Vous pouvez imaginer qu’avec des traumatismes, les personnes peuvent avoir une relation très perturbée avec leur propre corps. Il y a tellement de douleur affligée que c’est clair que certains symptômes vont se développer au cours de années, » raconte Glowik.

Pas un substitut

Mais cette méthode n’est pas pour tout le monde. Des gens différents requièrent différents types d’aide. Glowik dit que la Méthode Grinberg n’est pas un substitut à un traitement médical ou à une aide psychologique – et quand cela est nécessaire les praticiens de la Méthode Grinberg recommandent leurs clients aux professionnels adaptés.
« La méthode Grinberg n’est pas une recette contre la peur ou que vous n’allez jamais plus vous sentir en insécurité dans votre vie. Elle n’enseigne pas quelque chose en lequel vous pouvez croire et faire toujours la même chose, » raconte Schmutte. «Vous apprenez comment vous pouvez prendre plus de responsabilité pour vous-même quelle que soit la situation que vous rencontrez dans votre vie. Et cela veut dire beaucoup d’indépendance, de liberté et de discipline. » 

Article paru dans le magazine Ma Santé en juin 2009 

Article paru sur le site internet du journal The Telegraph le 25 septembre 2009. 

By Anna Murphy 7:00AM BST 25 Sep 2009

Victoria Oldham is telling me how she too used to be a sceptic. 'When I first went and saw a Grinberg Method practitioner I wasn’t into that sort of thing at all. I was incredibly sceptical, but I was also curious. I went because I had had neck ache for a long time and then one morning I couldn’t turn my head one way. I was in Switzerland at the time, and someone told me to try the Grinberg Method, which is very well known over there. And I went and saw this person, and she gave me a foot analysis, and I was quite blown away by the things she said to me and the insight she had into my life.’
After two sessions Oldham’s neck pain had disappeared, and then she 'carried on going because my whole life started to take a different shape. I found myself seeing things differently. I found myself more aware of what I wanted in my life.’ Which meant abandoning her career as an artist and retraining as a Grinberg practitioner herself.
A decade on and it was I who was in the position of sceptic, with Oldham the practitioner. I had never heard of the Grinberg Method, and when I learnt that it was based, at its simplest, on 'reading’ the feet, not in the same way as reflexology but holistically – identifying patterns of tension or of energy rather than the state of specific organs – I was prepared to be unimpressed. But I went along to see Oldham anyway, and like her and many others before me was 'blown away’. She did indeed examine and manipulate my feet while asking me questions about physical symptoms and my more general wellbeing. Quickly she was pinpointing exact periods in my life when a significant event had happened – not the event itself but the impact it had had on me; she was disentangling assorted different versions of 'me’, some intrinsic to my character, some constructed and therefore unhelpful; she was identifying destructive patterns of behaviour and relationships. And on a practical level she was diagnosing how all these tendencies were being played out within my body – how physical and emotional experiences from my past were being held, locked almost, inside me. Then, over the course of the ensuing sessions, she showed me how we could work together – through breathing, through exercises, through her manipulations of my body – in order to unlock these long-held patterns.
Or, as the 35-year-old Oldham puts it, talking to me a year and a half after our first session, 'What I am doing is teaching you how to pay better attention to your own body, to what it needs and to what you may be doing that could be damaging it in some way. If someone comes in with a physical symptom I work with them to show them how, through their behavioural patterns, their patterns of thinking, their posture, they themselves could be producing the symptoms they are struggling with.
If someone suffers from indigestion, for example, it could be that when they get stressed they tense up their belly. If someone has sinusitis it may be because they scrunch up their face when they are working on their computer.’

And that is the thing about the Grinberg Method. It may initially sound rather intangible, airy-fairy even, when you try to describe it to someone who has never experienced it, yet it is at heart almost humdrum in its practicality. Quite simply it identifies what you are unconsciously doing to yourself to make yourself feel less than top-notch, and teaches you how not to.

The method was first developed in the 1970s by Avi Grinberg, an Israeli former paramedic who then worked as a therapist and healer, and published an influential book called Holistic Reflexology. As Grinberg himself now puts it, 'Many years of therapeutic work proved to me that there is no use in trying to cure people. I had to face the fact that the best healer a person could have is himself. At that point I started to move from being a therapist to being a trainer.’
His method – which has grown away from its roots in reflexology into an entirely separate discipline – is now widely practised in Switzerland, Germany and Italy. There it is often used in tandem with conventional medicine, particularly in aiding recovery after surgery or broken limbs.
Some of the most remarkable results Oldham has achieved have come many years after an original trauma. She tells me about one woman who had had a brain tumour as a child. 'She had a big scar right down the middle of her forehead, which had healed badly and was very bumpy, and she had bald areas on her hairline. By the time we had finished, her forehead was smooth, with only a faint line on it, and the hair had regrown.’
Another case seems more remarkable still. 'One client had had part of his lung cut away because of a tumour. He came to me soon after surgery and had a 15cm scar across his back. After seven sessions there was a fine white line, as if someone had drawn on him with a pencil. When he went back to the surgeon for a check-up to see whether the tumour had returned, the surgeon was amazed to see part of his lung had actually grown back.’
And then there is the man crippled by psoriasis, which has now almost entirely gone, or the man with terrible burns, which, having flared up so as to look almost fresh after early treatments (a sign of the body restarting the healing process), promptly disappeared.
Such stories may appear so miraculous as to be almost unbelievable. (Oldham herself describes what she witnessed on these occasions as 'magical’.) Certainly, they test the boundaries of modern scepticism. I can only vouch for my own experience, because the focus of my sessions with Oldham was an abdominal scar from a childhood operation. In each session Oldham combined intense, sometimes painful periods of massage around the scarring with exercises to release tension in that area, and also in other areas, which unbeknown to me had been affected by the surgery – from under my ribs to down into my hip and thigh.
Some sessions were gruelling: to my amazement, when she worked on the scar for the first time my whole body was flooded with a feeling of fear, and my temperature plummeted. In later sessions this fear would occasionally return, but mixed with a euphoric sense of release. How I could feel two such contradictory emotions at once was only one of the mysteries of what Oldham was doing to me. More mysterious was how the appearance of my scar was dramatically improving and my long-standing digestive problems easing.
'People do things around a wound not to feel the old pain or the fear,’ Oldham offers now, by way of explanation. 'Grinberg is about teaching them that it is OK, and that the body can finally heal. I get the body to feel the fear again, but in a safe environment. The body then learns it is safe to let it go and to heal.’

Not surprisingly the Grinberg Method can be an empowering and addictive experience. My sessions have turned into something of a project, with myself as the work in progress. And Oldham tells me that I am far from alone in having the next stage of that project already lined up in my mind. 'People who find Grinberg works for them tend to get quite into it and want to develop and work on other things,’ she says.
Oldham herself currently has a rather bigger project to work on, that of making the Grinberg Method widely available in Britain. At the moment there are just five other practitioners – two in Scotland, two in London and one in Yorkshire – with Oldham herself making only monthly visits from Geneva, where she has her main practice. Starting in November she will be running a training course for would-be practitioners – four week-long residential courses a year over a three-year period – and is currently on the lookout for recruits.
Oldham believes that with more practitioners the therapy will catch on as quickly here as it has done elsewhere. 'There is a lot of openness to the Grinberg Method in Britain,’ she says. 'People who come to me immediately see what is special about what I am doing. They love it because it is very down to earth, and it works. Their main question to me is, “Why on earth haven’t I heard about this before?”’ If Oldham has her way, that won’t be a question that will be asked for much longer.

Article paru dans ELLE UK en 2007

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